Multicloud storage,

From backup and disaster recovery offsite to enhanced ransomware protection, from cost-effective data archiving to secure cloud gateway: Vawlt is the perfect companion to your company’s storage infrastructure.

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Your perfect ally to a resilient backup strategy.

Backup strategy

Vawlt can help your company to employ a healthy 3-2-1-1-0 backup strategy. Its Storage Volumes are your greatest ally in a fast and secure implementation without compromising control over data. With Vawlt, you can choose which clouds you want to work with, the geographical locations of the data centers, or even add your public cloud accounts.

Schutz vor Ransomware

The ever-growing ransomware challenge can undermine your business continuity. With its Storage Volumes, Vawlt adds resiliency to your data protection strategy, either by making your data immutable or by keeping versions of it. Quickly restore your backups and shield your enterprise against any unpleasant event.

Seamless integration

Vawlt easily integrates with your current backup software through your favorite storage interfaces. Turn week-long configurations in a couple of clicks in minutes, and add a layer of protection to your infrastructure. Pain-free and hassle-free.

AWS, Google or Azure?
Don’t worry: you can have them all.

A unique solution to your data lifecycle.

Multicloud-Speicher richtig gemacht.

Simplify your multicloud experience

When creating a new volume, all you have to do is to select the specifications of the volume and provide billing information. As simple as it can be.

After you create and configure the volumes in the Dynamic Storage Platform, all you need to do is download the software agent, install it and provide your login credentials.

Get an unified billing document with all providers, in one place. Also, you’ll need only one account for creating volumes and new users, and grant access to your team.

Improve your data storage security standards

All data goes directly from the user, where it’s encrypted, to the different clouds without passing through Vawlt’s servers.

Vawlt’s data-centric architecture enables your files to be available at all times, even in case of a cloud outage or data corruption.

Choose your preferred data centres, by brand or location. Keep your options open by reassuring that your business continuity doesn’t rely on a single provider.

Optimize your business costs

Vawlt enables you to configure your storage volumes on demand according to different specifications, adapted to your needs and different data lifecycles.

With a pay-as-you-grow model, don’t get surprised by any hidden costs. Always know exactly how much you’re going to pay each month.

Vawlt adapts itself to the customers’ specifications and is easy to integrate to any data storage infrastructure.

Does Vawlt apply to my industry?

Telefonprotokolle und Datenbank-Backups sind ein perfektes Beispiel für Daten, die in der Cloud archiviert werden können. Nutzen Sie Vawlt, um diese Daten sicher in einer Multi-Cloud-Lösung zu speichern und die Kosten zu optimieren, während Sie gleichzeitig GDPR-konform sind.

Garantieren Sie auf einfache Weise die Vertraulichkeit Ihrer Dokumente und geben Sie sie sicher an Ihre Kunden und Mitarbeiter weiter. Bewahren Sie abgeschlossene Vorgänge und ältere Akten in einem Archivierungsvolumen auf und sparen Sie Geld. Unterstützen Sie Ihre Kunden auf ihrem Weg zur Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften.

Geben Sie Ihren Patienten ein sicheres Gefühl mit einem System, das von vornherein sicher ist. Speichern Sie ihre Bilder und Aufzeichnungen und kontrollieren Sie gleichzeitig, wer Zugriff darauf hat. Nutzen Sie Ihr Rechenzentrum weiter, während Sie das Potenzial der öffentlichen Clouds ausschöpfen und gleichzeitig die Vorschriften einhalten.

Vor allem in Finanzinstituten sind Datenschutz und Compliance wichtige Themen. Daher werden alle archivierten Daten in einer Multi-Cloud-Umgebung gespeichert, so dass keine Ausfallzeiten entstehen, selbst wenn eine der Clouds offline ist. Über Vawlt-Schnittstellen können auch Altanwendungen nahtlos in die Cloud migriert werden.

If your small or medium business has a local on-prem storage solution (e.g NAS or a fileserver), optimise costs by moving to the cloud and protect your data against ransomware attacks. Vawlt can also be used be a file sync & share platform – work remotely through an easy interface, reassuring that your files are safe.

As important digital files are increasing in file size to meet quality standards, data storage needs are also growing, escalating costs and physical infrastructures. With Vawlt, take off some pressure from your infrastructure by moving immutable or archival data to a multicloud solution that is safe by design and cheaper to run.

Either working from home, at the office or from any location, your team needs to access any data securely any time and on any device. Vawlt can be a file sync & share platform, available to your team on the go, in the most secure way.

Data challenges for the public sector are on the agenda. Consider Vawlt as an additional backup layer in your organization’s data storage infrastructure and protect yourself against ransomware attacks. Ensure that all sensitive data is protected against unpredictable events.

It’s time to focus on your business.

Let us help you in your multicloud journey.

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