We’re proud to announce our latest partnership with one of the leading Portuguese service providers — NOS. Discover more below.

NOS Multicloud Storage is an innovative service that enables data storage in the cloud safely and efficiently. Based on a differentiating technology in partnership with Vawlt, this is a public cloud-based solution that aims to make the digitization process of Portuguese companies simpler and more fluid, decentralizing the respective documents and information, and allowing data storage in a multicloud environment.

Developed for companies throughout diverse industries, like the service sector, healthcare, retail, finance, content making, as well as public entities, NOS Multicloud Storage guarantees interoperability through data storage in the services of the world’s leading cloud providers and NOS’ pioneering partners in this type of solutions — Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure.

For Manuel Ramalho Eanes, NOS’ Executive Director, “this new solution, a pioneer in Portugal and resulting from a 100% national partnership, reinforces NOS’ objective in leading and driving digital transformation. Cloud hosting answers to the main needs of the business sector and puts the country at the technological vanguard, making it able to exploit the full potential of future’s technologies”.

Vawlt focuses on helping companies in their digitization process, increasing security and reliability standards of their data storage systems without compromising their focus on the business. We’ve found in NOS the ideal partner to create this offer that will allow national companies to be at the forefront of technological transformation in the global scene”, says Ricardo Mendes, CEO and co-founder of Vawlt Technologies.

Read the complete Press Release (in Portuguese)