- Easy collaboration and sharing of data between teams, securely
- Simplified brochure and leaflet production workflow
- Reduce pressure on local storage infrastructure

Mit Vawlt haben wir die Entwicklung unserer Werbebroschüren optimiert, indem wir unser umfangreiches Bildarchiv und die bearbeitbaren Produktionsdateien sicher mit dem Marketingteam teilen.
Paulo Marujo,
IT Infrastructure Operations (Staples)
The Client
Staples started its activity in Portugal in 1996 and is positioned as a reference brand, offering products for the business and private segments, in categories such as stationery, office supplies, school supplies, furniture, printing, technology, and services (such as Copy & Print and Easy Tech).
Staples Portugal currently has 34 physical stores (Retail) in Portugal, and its e-commerce site is the crucial element of its online presence, at www.staples.pt.
The Corporate channel is Staples’ third channel focused on the medium and large companies and Public Administration sector.
Vawlt comes to Staples by the hands of Núcleo D’Ideias, a Vawlt partner for the Portuguese market specialized in innovative technological solutions.
The Challenge
Among the various elements of Staples’ communication in Portugal, clearly multichannel, the printed leaflets and catalogs continue to be a key piece for the Staples brand to communicate with its audience. The primary focus of Staples’ performance in Portugal is the concern with design, service, functionality, and innovation throughout the operation, both in products and services.
For the frequent design and production of these promotional brochures, Staples’ marketing team relies on several designers and composers who develop the brand’s various communication materials. In a workflow that allows meeting production deadlines, good coordination between the team members is crucial.
“We needed shared access to the library with tens of thousands of images of each of the products sold by Staples to be able to produce the leaflets. We also required to make the editable files available to several team members, so they can edit them simultaneously in the same place while saving time”, says Paulo Marujo.
The Vawlt Solution
Staples has set up a Warm data volume and granted access to the diverse members of its marketing team so that they could improve the workflow for producing brochures and leaflets.
The Warm volume is designed for storing editable and occasionally accessed data. It allows two temporal versions per file and creates a version every five minutes. This volume is ideal for integration with backup services and has a minimum storage life of 30 days.
“We selected this solution because it allows us to synchronize our production tools and link direct references to the images in the virtual data volume. As a result, we could save a lot of work and facilitate the composition of catalogs, making their production more agile,” says Paulo Marujo.
Having a virtual volume with available space also brings other benefits to Staples: “In the same way, we can reduce the pressure on our local infrastructure, because we can use this solution to archive data that we don’t need to have locally. For this reason, we can free up space on our servers for other needs,” says Paulo Marujo.
“The fact that our files are synchronized on any computer also makes it very simple. In addition, the ease with which you can install Vawlt and the speed we started using the solution was a big plus,” highlights Paulo Marujo.
We have incorporated Vawlt into our portfolio of solutions because we know our customers’ needs very well. In this particular project for Staples, ease of operation and predictable cost were the key factors that weighed in the decision.
Mário Paulo,
Manager (Núcleo D’Ideias)